Tag Archives: Julius Caesar

The Human Mating Game – Part 1

24 Feb

Birds do it… Bees do it…

Even educated fools do it…


Believe it or not, I do know why.

Before I was grounded, I was responsible for helping people find their mates.

Previously, I disclosed that I have studied the Human Mating Game for many years. Many Many Many years. It was my job to locate the perfect matches and arrange their unions. Believe me, perfect in romance is not like Jesus Christ perfect or God perfect or pristine OCD perfect. No way. Perfect in this definition means complimentary in opposition of qualities, faults and equality in yoke.

I was so “good” at my job, I had exclusive seniority in the decision-making. My boss had larger issues at hand, like overseeing population control. One of many creative control projects opened up the position I filled. My natural curiosity from day 1 concerning the subject of Human Romantic Love had given me the motivation to study more on it than most and I had an unusual ability to “see” it, although for a very long time, I wasn’t sure exactly what “it” was. It can best be described, from my view of what I see, as a brilliant “cathode ray” exchanged between the eyes of two people. But instead of the ray being smooth and straight, it sort of spans out and tiny particles float about. Chemically, I realize that it could be closely associated to metallic bonding… A sea of electrons shared mutually by many nuclei.

This is the beginning of the “love cocktail” I read about.

But, In the Beginning, before humans became obsessed with trying to understand what they already knew anyhow, it was easier and there really wasn’t a need for a job like the one I had. The heart led and the people followed blindly and it paid off in fruitfulness and procreation and many long unions that recycled after the physical had diminished. But time passed, fear became more ramped, clouding the neurotransmitters and preventing people from learning about themselves, from knowing themselves – they lost the ability to listen, to hear the “cha ching” of their own completion, the willingness to see their missing pieces, blinded by pride, insecurity, and imprisoned by vanity and material gain. They became concerned with a new “cha ching” – that of the coin filling the purse, and their greed also extended into coveting more than their portion in romantic affairs. Marriages came about not out of love, but for power and monetary gain. It was not originally intended to go that way you see…

Originally, it was meant, as a means of balance between logic and emotion.

Julius Caesar loved Cleopatra, but he could not revel in that love without a reason. Marc Anthony, not in Caesar’s predicament, needed no reason. Cleopatra, did not want to marry her brother as Egyptian custom was back then, she did not really love Julius but an saw opportunity to escape her fate by logical strategy. She did, however, love Marc, but she lost him and she did not want to suffer her new fate, so she gave up and killed herself.

This was truly the first huge catastrophe that occurred in the first beginnings of marriage as a concept for a lawful ceremony devised to bring balance. It is when we noticed some very large problems that were irreversible from that moment on. And it’s not that the scenario hasn’t occurred many times previously to that one, it’s that the ripple effect of events brought about utter chaos to many who weren’t directly involved and shouldn’t have been affected, but were.

Unfortunately, things only improved slightly when arranged marriages finally gained popularity. The concept had been activated just shortly after humans found favoritism in monogamous mating lifestyles but had not caught on right away until certain tribes in Africa realized that they could increase their numbers by simply trading women. polygamy became popular once again and has had its rise and declines thereafter.

At this point, it really doesn’t matter. Breeding has become ridiculously overdone, marriage doesn’t even serve it’s intended purpose, and the last directive I’d been given had been more of a passing phrase from One Who Preserves the Balance: “Everyone better get their mates and get out!” It was referring to the Human Mating Game.

It has become a game from the moment Cain lost his ability to grow a beard to hide his shameful face. Not that the reasons he lost it had anything to do with getting a woman to like him, but he had to develop some way to convince one to lie down with him since he wasn’t exactly the most attractive man by the standards of women back then. After that, women started playing too. And after that… well, you know the rest, I’m sure. Everyone does, to some degree, by now.

And that is why my previous job had been invented and why now, some One other than myself is doing it.

Humans get so hung up in playing, sometimes they forget why they even are, the real reason, to find one’s mate, and to procreate… responsibly, of course. This isn’t the Beginning, like I said, Breeding is overdone, so breed responsibly please.

The One Who Clones, has this to say: “From one is two and so the two become one.”

I’ve heard that so many times and what it means should be obvious, but the definition is the answer to the question in the brain of every breeding minded person out there: “Yes, there is someone for everyone, a special someone, just for you.”

The rib from Adam was meant more symbolically than it reads. Some of us, especially those of us who are responsible for documentation, have a “poetic flair”. Yes, I’ve written a few things, nothing worth mentioning, really, I’m more of an interventionist, but I thought I’d try my hand at this at least while I’m sitting. With some restrictions, of course… I’m not the one who can give you all the answers. You already KNOW them, but I can offer some explanations.

The biggest point to all of this is that through the ages, the “missing half” to your whole, to humans’ completion, has not always been placed so easily to find. As the game developed and people lost sight of their actual purpose, complicating it with all the distractions of invention and technology, as well as just plain stupidity and irresponsibility, they created a challenge for themselves by not recognizing simple facts, so, as another divine creation as an effort to remind them, they sometimes had to make a “journey” before finding the rest of themselves – or their counterpart.

Therein lies the fault of the fallen. We are not perfect either.

One can become fallen in one of two ways, as I said, to love One’s master but not serve so well, or to not love One’s master and not serve at all.

Not serving so well can mean many things, one of them being ignoring Rule #1, Do not become personally involved with humans. This covers a multitude of mistakes: Interfering with free will covers all of them. To become personally involved with a human ALWAYS interferes with free will. Influencing a human’s choice for any reason other than divine intervention, is personal. This includes after the death of the body as well, but the most common mistake – so well-known that there are movies about it, is when One’s curiosity about Human Romantic Love interferes with a human’s free will because One has seen it too many times and wants to experience it for One’s self.

For that, One is put on probation and is relieved of etherial duties until the situation is remedied – for however long that takes, which can depend on how many events have been effected in how many timelines. Responsibility is given to One over that human and all other humans affected as a result. Fortunately, that can be remedied. Sometimes, and this is going to sound ironic, it’s even part of The Plan, unbeknownst to all parties involved, of course, until later.

To interfere or influence after physical death, however, that falls more towards not loving and not serving at all, One’s master. That’s stepping on toes, per say, which you don’t do intentionally when you love someone? Correct? My boss is very forgiving, but even Moses wasn’t allowed to set foot on the promise land after busting up the tablets, and he was a human… So you can just imagine what my penance is… or maybe not, but that’s another story. Not only that, but the last time One directly defied One’s master, there was a great war. Because I was favored, and my defiance was due to my lack of knowledge in that department, I being an interventionist in human romantic affairs, not an “Angel of Death”, it was not a matter of war, but more like a personal, yet defiant, argument with THE BOSS whilst I was still on probation for my first trespass. Again, another story. To wield it in Global human terminology: I royally screwed up.

But I miss my old job. I really do. Spring and Winter were always my busiest seasons….